Arizona Medical Sleep Institute

Wake up your day with a goodnight’s sleep. Don’t let a sleep disorder stop you from being alert & active

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A good night’s sleep is as important to a healthy lifestyle as regular exercise. But for some people, getting enough restful sleep is more than just a walk in the park. Sleep may become lighter and more disrupted as we get older. Just as tossing and turning can make the night seem longer, sleeplessness can make the days seem longer, too.

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Normal changes in sleep patterns can sometimes hide sleep disorders.

In addition, sleep disorders can be associated with a medical or psychological illness such as hypertension on, heart failure, or depression.

Millions of people suffer from the symptoms of sleep disorders; however, most sleep disorders can be diagnosed and treated effectively – an important step toward achieving a healthy lifestyle.

Common Types
Of Sleep Disorders

Obstructive Sleep Apnea

In this most common type of sleep disorder, the upper airway muscles and tissue lose their tone during sleep, thus narrowing those passages and inhibiting the flow of air in and out of the lungs.

Central Sleep Apnea

In this neurologically-based apnea, the signal being sent from the brain that triggers the body to breathe is delayed, thereby causing breathing to stop.

Periodic Limb Movement Disorder

Twitching or jerking of the legs during sleep is a symptom of this sleep disorder.


This disorder is marked by sudden and uncomfortable brief attacks of sleep.


Insomniacs have difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep during the night.

Restless Leg Syndrome

Restless or irresistible urge to move the legs or cramping feeling in the legs, which is relieved by movement.

Sleep Disorders Symtoms

  • Are you always Tired?

  • Do you have trouble falling asleep or sleeping through the night?

  • Do you snore constantly or occasionally stop breathing while asleep?

  • Do you fall asleep during the day when you should be awake?

  • Do you have an unexplained morning headache?

  • Do you have an unrefreshed feeling after a full night’s sleep?

The Sleep Well Strategy

  • Get up at about the same time every day

  • Organize your day

  • Stay alive

  • Maintain a comfortable environment for sleeping, neither too hot nor too cold

  • Avoid caffeine, alcohol or smoking at or near bedtime

  • Go to bed only when you are sleepy

Quality of life

Are Arizona Medical Sleep Institute offers comprehensive testing for sleep apnea and other sleep disorders. The Institute’s team of specialists will conduct a detailed sleep study, evaluate your condition, and provide a complete report to your referring physician.

Treatment by Qualified Professionals

At the Arizona Medical Sleep Institute,, you will spend a night or day in a comfortable, private, home-like suite for a nighttime sleep study. Your breathing, oxygen levels, muscle tone, and brain waves are monitored and recorded throughout the night. The medical information obtained during the study will help our team of sleep specialists to diagnose your particular sleep disorder. Based on the findings, treatment may include medical, behavioral, or surgical options.

Participating in a sleep study 

To participate in a sleep study, a physician’s referral is required. If you think you might have a sleep disorder. Talk to your primary care physician or specialist and ask if a referral to the Arizona Medical Sleep Institute is right for you.